About Me

Sarah Thomas

Holistic Therapist, IHBC FHT

Specialist menopause holistic therapist using complementary therapies, nutrition and coaching to help you gain control over your body and mind during these challenging but powerful years.

I have been a holistic massage therapist for 35 years having worked locally, on luxury cruise liners, in clinics and health spas. Alongside a successful career as a college lecturer spanning 22 years, teaching a new generation of therapists, I now concentrate on working only with clients but continue to support the education sector in a quality assurance capacity as a consultant.

My passion for menopausal hormonal health began as I entered menopause very early and successfully used a holistic approach to improve many of my symptoms alongside Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). I believe that however you choose to manage your symptoms, using holistic touch therapies will help promote confidence, balance your mind and body, and help you feel like you again! I use a combination of aromatherapy, specialised acupressure massage techniques, reflexology and nutrition advice to help support you from perimenopause onwards.

I am thrilled to offer the Jennifer Young Hormonal Balancing Body Treatment, as Jennifer’s accredited touch qualifications enable wellness practitioners to offer specialist treatments to clients during their menopausal years. Her research The Menopause Million is the largest global research study into menopausal symptoms ever undertaken and collects the data needed to improve healthcare outcomes for women experiencing hormonal change.

Living by the sea, I enjoy the gorgeous local walks along the coastline, try to dinghy sail, paddle board and practice yoga to support my body and mind. Good nutrition and cooking at home is also important to me, as the benefits of eating well and moving your body go a long way to improving your menopausal symptoms and holistic therapies will give you that extra support to make you feel powerful and mighty!

Using 35 years of holistic therapy knowledge, experience of  my own premature menopause and a range of aromatherapy, massage, nutrition advice and reflexology to improve your own menopause journey and enable you to ride those hormonal waves in style and feel freedom again!

My Personal Story

As a career focused woman in my late 20’s I had returned from working in a luxury spa abroad and had entered my new exciting teaching career. I love my therapy industry and was ready to inspire the next generation of massage therapists. I was studying my teaching qualifications and working as a teacher to gain practical experience and life was very busy. I found studying hard as my energy levels were so low, I started fainting at work, and I remember one day turning round from the whiteboard in my classroom and had no clue what I was going to say as had forgotten what I was teaching. I felt embarrassed, hot and emotional. I couldn’t understand what was happening to me. I put it down to being overworked and maybe this just was not the career for me. But I am no quitter, so I continued to teach and put all my energy into work but something had to give so my home life became all about resting and sleeping. Not exactly what I had planned as a twenty something single woman. Work became harder and although I had fully completed my teaching qualifications (to this day my graduation is my proudest moment as I now know I was fully menopausal at the time of studying) and I loved my job my stress levels were high, my weight was increasing, and I was still unable to string a sentence together at times and why was I still fainting? During this time, I had been awaiting appointments to see my GP and then a consultant – the outcome was that I was fully in menopause aged 29 years old.

My Mum came with me to my results appointment which was in the same part of the hospital where new mums are and one of my biggest struggles over the years is dealing with the grief of not becoming a biological mum. No counselling was offered to me, and I was sent on my way. I went straight back to work after that appointment and apart from immediate family and a few close friends, I did not speak about my menopause for 10 years. I felt humiliated, unfeminine and lost. I pretended I didn’t want children when people asked, and it was only through the sheer terror of being asked when I was going to start a family after I married, did I seek help for my mental trauma. Working through grief has been a huge part of repairing myself and over the years I have used counselling, holistic therapies and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to help many of my menopausal symptoms. I work with you as an individual whether you choose to use HRT or not, holistic therapies will help you gain a better quality of life. I do not want any woman to ever feel like I have at times and helping you improve how you feel about yourself mind and body would make me a happy menopausal lady!

“Sarah is an amazing therapist and a lovely person. She clearly explains what the treatment will be like but then lets you relax. Her massage technique is incredible. So truly relaxing. I would love to visit her every week!”

Lucy H

Improve your menopausal symptoms with holistic therapies to give you the extra support to feel powerful and mighty!